Hypnosis is the state your mind is in when you are ‘in the zone’. Everything is flowing well because there is little interference from your conscious mind, allowing you to perform at a level of pure, unconscious competence. And, when you are in that state, that’s when your true talent shines through and all of your training pays off.
Contrary to what the TV shows would have you think, Hypnosis is a completely natural and hugely productive state of mind. We all have the ability to go into that state. And, in that state, our unconscious mind is more receptive to making the changes needed for us to have what we want. Hypnotherapy is well known for helping people; stop smoking, lose weight, release fears, stress and anxiety. However, because it’s about sending clear, instructive messages to your unconscious mind, it means we can apply it to make a great array of positive changes. That can be to: feel hugely better about certain issues or experiences, feel and think more positively about yourself and your choices. It can greatly help a person to perform at their peak, feel confident in their abilities and even recover better from a setback or injury.
James Brannan specializes in helping you to remove toxic habits from your life style like smoking. He also can help you to reduce anxiety, boost your confidence, help you fight your phobias. Moreover, James can help you with weight loss, stress management, improve the quality of your sleep and help you to achieve the full potential of your abilities in the sports you are doing.