Leo De Souza
Clinic4Sport Receptionist | Sports Rehabilitation Student

My name is Leo and I’m the receptionist and first point of contact for patients at Clinic4Sport.

I’m currently a second year student at St Mary’s University in Twickenham studying a Bachelors Degree in Sports Rehabilitation in hopes to achieve a career in the sport sector and be able to help others who struggle with sport related injuries.

Quick fire questions

Do you play any sports?
I currently play semi-professional ice hockey for a team in North East London called the Haringey Huskies. I’ve enjoyed ice hockey since I was 9 years old and I still do till this day!

Where is the best place you ever travelled to?

Antalya, Turkey so far has been the best holiday I’ve had. As I’m from Brazil I enjoyed the hot weather and the culture that comes from Turkey plus the hospitality they provide is amazing.

Tell us a unusual fact about you!
I did figure skating alongside my ice hockey as a hobby!

Leonardo De SouzaLeonardo De Souza


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